WROB Writing Prompts 2

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  1. Pick any work in the public domain, and use the very last sentence of that work as your first sentence. Any genre, less than 1000 words.
  2. Write a set of rules, instructions, or stage directions that are either impossible to perform or impossible to document a performance of.
  3. Devise four completely new card suits, either for poker cards or tarot cards, without using any language or imagery of royalty, monarchy, or clergy.
  4. Write a three-panel comic, or the script for one, with only a single word of dialogue across any of the panels.
  5. Write a one-page scene using only speech. You cannot use dialogue tags, description, or directions. You can use special formatting and special characters.
  6. Write a one-page letter to yourself at exactly half the age your are now.
  7. Pick a setting, real or imaginary, and write a list of adjectives that it evokes for you. Write a second list for this same setting using only verbs.